Nespresso Decaffeinato Intenso

Decaffeinato Intenso Nespresso capsule and cup

Nespresso’s Decaffeinato Intenso capsule and coffee cup

Arabica and Robusta beans from South America.


As somebody who’s addicted to espressos and caffeine, drinking decaf coffee might at first sounds like an act of treason. But if drinking coffee after noon affects your sleeping pattern, which is my case, this might actually come handy. I must say I was pretty impressed with Decaffeinato Intenso as it doesn’t make me feel like I’m being cheated. While decaffeinated coffees often feel too watery and light, this isn’t the case here, Nespresso delivering here a smooth espresso with intensity and bitterness.


  • Activities: Because it’s decaf, this is one you can have after a late lunch, in the afternoon or even at night.
  • Music: For some reason, smooth disco/electronic music like Blondie is a good match for this blend.
  • Food: Decaffeinato Intenso is smooth enough to be paired with pretty much anything without affecting complementary flavors and it works finely with biscuits.


Decaffeinato Intenso coffee comes in Nespresso’s standard rectangle box. It includes 10 dark red capsules.


Author: Fred

COFFEE CAPSULE GUIDE FOUNDER Born in Marseille in the South of France, espressos have always been an important part of my life, accompanying me from one cafe terrace to another.

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