
Born in Europe, espressos have always been an important part of my life, faithfully accompanying me throughout mornings and sometimes lunches. You could say I’m a coffee snob, having a strong disdain for most coffee shop franchises but the truth is that I have no other choice as poor-tasting coffee just put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

After moving to Los Angeles, California, I needed to preserve that caffeinated European way of life and Nespresso quickly became for me the closest – and most affordable – thing to the real deal.
I’ve now been using Nespresso and capsules for close to a decade and I’ve decided to share my experience as coffee capsules are slowly but surely entering US households.

Coffee Capsule Guide was created to provide more information about the coffee capsule market, including reviews of capsules as well as info about machines and accessories.

But CoffeeCapsuleGuide.com is also more than a simple guide, aiming at bridging the gap between coffee and culture, talking directly to a generation that thrives on espresso, music and arts. 

“When you go to an independent coffee shop, you can notice how much effort was put into the decoration exhibiting a taste for artistry or modernism. There is usually trendy music playing in the background, while customers wear cool clothes and often have tattoos. I wanted to capture that spirit and create a website that is both useful and culturally-aware because this crowd is passionate about coffee and is more inclined to use good coffee pods.”

Please note, we are not affiliated with any coffee brand and,  at this time, we are focusing on capsules compatible with Nespresso’s OriginaLine.

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